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Find a balance with technology that feels right for you.

As technology becomes more and more integral to everything we do, it can sometimes distract us from the things that matter most to us.
We believe technology should improve life, not distract from it. We’re committed to giving everyone the tools they need to develop their own sense of digital wellbeing.
So that life, not the technology in it, stays front and center.

Social media pressure

Social media pressure

With the growing science and technology, we are totally dependent on our mobile phones for everything. No one is connected socially but are connected through social medias. People dont want to care about others. They just want entertainment, likes and comments for their posts thats all.
What is social media pressure?
Social Media pressure may be referred as the craze and expectations that acan result from using social media platforms. This may include urge for getting likes, yt shorts, insta reels and negative comments that may affect the mindset of individuals specially in youths.


Information Overload

Information Overload

Information overload refers to the excessive amount of information available to a person when they are trying to complete a task or make a decision. It can hinder the decision-making process, leading to poor or no decisions being made.
The term was coined by Bertram Gross in his 1964 work, "The Managing of Organizations"¹. Information overload has been a problem throughout history, particularly during the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution periods¹. However, with the advent of the Information Age and access to powerful and low-cost data collection on an automated basis, we now have more information available than ever before¹. Designers need to be especially careful when creating products like websites or apps to prevent information overload from affecting users' experience. Richard Saul Wurman, an information visualization pioneer, described the stress caused by information overload as "information anxiety.
How do you stay safe?=> "How to Save Yourself From “Information Overload”


Online Harresment

Online harresment

Online harassment can be defined as the use of information and communication technologies by an individual or group to repeatedly cause harm to another person. This may involve threats, embarrassment, or humiliation in an online setting. Online harassment is when someone uses technology -- like cellphones, computers, social media, or gaming platforms -- to bully, threaten, or aggressively hassle someone. A form of cyberbullying, online harassment includes name-calling, stalking, and physical threats. Girls and LGBTQ+ individuals are more likely to experience these types of harassment and abuse.


Websites that may help you to stay safe